Cape Town Talent Exchange 2003-2012


No Date Contents
No. 38 December
  1. CES wins contract with Australian government
  2. Talent Exchange market, Saturday 15 December
  3. CTTE Depots
  4. ‘Buddy System’ starts working
  5. Concentrate on the Giving, not the Getting
  6. NITE Exchange
No.37 August
  1. Market Day – 18 August
  2. CES Assistance – Can You Help?
  3. Tip: How to Keep your Offerings Alive
  4. Where Are My 500 Talents?
  5. Exponential Growth: Over 450 CES Exchange Groups Around the World
  6. Are you Prepared for the Coming Financial Storm?
  7. How to Revive a Dormant Exchange
  8. Skill Share
  9. Exchange Growth if you take a Risk
  10. Talents and Rands


No Date Contents
No.36 December
  1. CTTE Christmas Market
  2. Virtual Rands
  3. Recycle and Share Your Surplus Goods
  4. ‘Hard Times’ Should Not Mean Reducing Your Use of Talents
  5. Little Green Gathering – South Africa 2012
  6. CES Growth Map
  7. Learning Afrikaans on the Talent Exchange – a user testimony
  8. Things to Do, Read and View
  9. Call for Articles
No.35 September
  1. International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies
  2. Would you Like to Serve on the CTTE Committee?
  3. Selling to Traders who Advertise with Rands
  4. Tip: Only Sell as Much as You Can Buy
  5. Add Pictures to Your Announcements and Wants
  6. Booking for Markets
  7. Compulsory Reading and Viewing for Talent Exchangers!


No Date Contents
No.34 June
  1. Board member profile: Steward Dawn Pilatowicz
  2. Giving back to the exchange
  3. Let’s brainstorm for a talent shop
  4. Adin gives his right arm
  5. Married on the exchange
  6. Market musings from a committed talent exchanger


No Date Contents
No.33 15 December
  1. Letter from a technophobe
  2. Top trader: Aubrey Dampies brokers goods in Delft
  3. Markets at a crossroads
  4. Hold your own event
  5. Time for a Talent Shop
  6. Help get businesses on board
  7. Breakthrough as first property advertise
No.32 30 September
  1. CTTE: Inaugural General Meeting – 10 October
  2. Markets: Regular Oude Molen markets
  3. New Feature: Virtual-Rand trading facility
  4. Coming New Feature: “Buddy” system
  5. Proposed New Feature: CES “Savings Bank”
  6. CES for Businesses: Pie Squared
  7. Site: Recommendations
No.31 21 July
  1. CES: Section 21 Company formed
  2. Admin: SANE becomes CTTE
  3. Web Site: How do I …?
  4. New Features: New Virtual-Rand trading facility
  5. Concepts: Credit and Debit limits


No Date Contents
No.30 10 November
  1. Editorial: Now is the time!
  2. Admin: Assistance required
  3. Community: New CES social networking site launched
  4. Web Site: New Groups feature launched
  5. Partners: Transition Towns Movement
  6. Members: Terms & Conditions of Use
  7. Tip: Buy what you can sell; sell what you can buy
  8. International: The current state of the network
  9. Statistics: CTTE trading figures
  10. Site: New features
  11. Tip: Invoices and Trading Slips
  12. Theory: Monetary Hegemony


No Date Contents
No.29 16 April
  1. Administration: Assistance wanted
  2. Markets: Next Cape Town Talent Exchange market day – 21 April
  3. News: More local area offices opening
  4. New Members: Introduction to the CES
  5. New exchanges: Eleven more exchanges join the CES network
  6. Statistics: Growth of the CES
  7. Statistics: Trading Figures
  8. Web Site: Multi-language interface in development
  9. Tip: How to correct errors in your statements
  10. Theory: Money, the ‘operating system’ of the economy
  11. Press Statement: SANE Board Member Awarded Ashoka Fellowship


No Date Contents
No.28 15 November
  1. Sub-areas: Local area offices opening
  2. News: CTTE Administrator attends international Complementary Currencies conference
  3. Markets: Let’s form market committees!
  4. New exchanges: Ten more exchanges join the CES network
  5. Statistics: Growth of the CES
  6. Statistics: Trading Figures
  7. Web Site: New features
  8. Tip: How to find offerings
  9. Theory: What is Money?
  10. Ads and Notices
No.27 27 May
  1. Administration: Transaction levy reduced
  2. Milestones: Two million Talents milestone
  3. New groups: One Norwegian and two New Zealand exchanges join the CES
  4. The Abusers List: Avoid selling to these people!
  5. Statistics: Growth of the CES
  6. CTTE Group statistics: April 2006
  7. Web Site: New features
  8. Info: Why sellers and not buyers enter transactions in the CES
  9. Tip: Recommendations
  10. Theory: Imagine if money had never been invented
  11. Administration: CTTE Local Area Co-ordinators
No.26 20 February
  1. News: Talent Shop
  2. Report: New Economics for Social Change
  3. Admin: Monthly statements
  4. New groups: One more New Zealand exchange and one US
    exchange joins the CES
  5. The Abusers List: Avoid selling to these people!
  6. Statistics: Growth of the CES
  7. CTTE Group statistics: January 2006
  8. Web Site: New features
  9. Tip: How to take advantage of the extended CES ‘market’
  10. Theory: The Commoditisation of Life
  11. Administration: CTTE Local Area Co-ordinators


No Date Contents
No.25 7 December
  1. News: SANE Talent Shop opens
  2. Markets: Christmas market in Retreat
  3. Report: New Economics for Social Change
  4. New groups: Two more New Zealand groups join the CES
  5. Statistics: Growth of the CES
  6. CTTE Group statistics: November 2005
  7. Web Site: New features
  8. Tip: How to make sense of the statistics
  9. Theory: Change your money, change your world.
  10. Administration: CTTE Local Area Co-ordinators
No.24 10 October
  1. News: SANE Talent Shop to open on 29 October
  2. News: CES/CTTE Head Office
  3. Promotion: New Economics for Social Change
  4. Administration: Suppliers required
  5. New groups: More Australian and New Zealand groups join the CES 
  6. Statistics: Growth of the CES
  7. CTTE Group statistics: September 2005
  8. Web Site: New features
  9. Tip: How to jazz up your offerings
  10. Theory: Imagine if there was more than one of…
  11. Administration: CTTE Local Area Co-ordinators
No.23 3 August
  1. Editorial: First Talent Exchange shop to open
  2. Administration: Old offerings
  3. New groups: New Zealand comes on board
  4. Statistics: Growth of the CES
  5. CTTE Group statistics: July 2005
  6. Web Site: New features
  7. Members Views: Comments on a new member ‘starter pack’
  8. Tip: How to improve your trading position
  9. Theory: “Shortage of funds”
  10. Crossword: See if you can solve our first CES puzzle
  11. Administration: CTTE Local Area Co-ordinators
No.22 19 June
  1. Administration: Bad traders
  2. Statistics: Growth of the Talent Exchange
  3. CTTE Group statistics: May 2005
  4. Web Site: New features
  5. Tip: Checking balances
  6. Theory: Credit
  7. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
No.21 9 May
  1. Administration: The New CTTE Management Group (CTTEMG)
  2. Markets: Next Market Day – 21 May
  3. CES Logo Competition: Winner Announced
  4. New Groups: Another One in Australia
  5. Statistics: Growth of the Talent Exchange
  6. CTTE Group statistics: April 2005
  7. Web Site: New features
  8. Issues: Rands and Talents
  9. Tip: Making your Offers Stand Out
  10. Theory: Interest
  11. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
No.20 26 March
  1. Administration: General Meeting 19 March
  2. CES Logo Competition: Vote for your Favourite Logos
  3. New Groups: Klein Karoo and Logan (Australia)
  4. Statistics: Growth of the Talent Exchange
  5. CTTE Group statistics: February 2005
  6. Web Site: New features
  7. Tip: Trading slips
  8. Theory: Levies
  9. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
No.19 19 February
  1. Administration: General Meeting Planned for 19 March
  2. News: CES Logo Competition Extended
  3. Markets: Zandvlei Community Centre – 5 March 2005
  4. New Groups: Pietermaritzburg & Harare (Zimbabwe)
  5. Statistics: Growth of the Talent Exchange
  6. CTTE Group statistics: January 2005
  7. Web Site: New features
  8. Debate: Ideas Exchange
  9. Tip: Attracting Custom
  10. Theory: Are Talents Money?
  11. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators


No.18 18 December
  1. Editorial: Two Years of Talent Exchange
  2. News: New CES Logo Competition
  3. New Group: Durban Talent Exchange
  4. Enterprise: Talentaal Offering Directory
  5. CTTE Group Statistics: November 2004
  6. Web Site: New features
  7. Debate: Ideas Exchange Launched
  8. Tip: How to Edit your Offerings
  9. Theory: What About the Taxman?
  10. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
No.17 18 November
  1. General: New CES Logo Wanted
  2. New Group: Twee Riviere Talent Exchange
  3. Groups: Garden Route Gets Going
  4. Markets: Food Market Day – 21 November
  5. Markets: Harfield Village Carnival – 27 November
  6. Help: CES User Guide Available
  7. CTTE Group Statistics: September 2004
  8. Web Site: New features
  9. Tip: How to Get Help
  10. Theory: The Matter with ‘Old’ Money
  11. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
No.16 20 October
  1. Organic Produce Exchange Network joins the CES
  2. CAFDA joins the CES
  3. Cape Town Talent Exchange Market Day – 24 October
  4. CTTE Group Statistics: September 2004
  5. Web Site: New features
  6. Tip: How to Get Started on the CES
  7. Theory: Benefits of the CES
  8. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
No.15 17 September
  1. TSiBA Education joins the CES
  2. Cape Town Talent Exchange Market Day – 19 September
  3. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
  4. CTTE Group Statistics: August 2004
  5. Web Site: New features
  6. Tip: How to Ensure that your Offerings are Found
  7. Feedback: Talent Exchange Evenings
No.14 14 August
  1. How to ‘make it’ on the Talent Exchange
  2. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
  3. CTTE Group Statistics: July 2004
  4. Web Site: New features
  5. Rands or Talents?
  6. Tip: How to change your email address
  7. Tip: How to retrieve your password
No.13 18 July
  1. Why are we doing this?
  2. Administration: Local Area Co-ordinators
  3. Site Statistics: June 2004
  4. Web Site: New features
  5. Tip: Searching Remote Groups
No.12 19 June
  1. Administration: Focus on governance issues
  2. Site statistics: May, best month ever!
  3. Web Site: New features
  4. Web Site: Planned features
  5. Tip: Finding help
No.11 16 May
  1. Administration: Transaction Levy introduced
  2. Events: Talent Exchange Market Day, Saturday 22 May 2004
  3. Site statistics: April sees trading downswing
  4. Web Site: New Features
  5. Tip: Correcting transaction errors
No.10 14 April
  1. Administration: Committee members wanted!
  2. Events: Talent Exchange Market Dayd
  3. Events: Talent Exchange Socials
  4. Groups: Inter-group Trading
  5. News: New CES Groups
  6. Site statistics: March, best trading month ever
  7. Web Site: New Features
  8. Administration: Transaction Levy
  9. Lists: Get them on Paper
  10. Tip: Making Donations
No.9 15 March
  1. Events: Talent Exchange Market Days
  2. Administration: Co-ordinators required!
  3. News: New CES Groups
  4. Site statistics: Trading shoots ahead
  5. Web Site: New Features
  6. Tip: Searching
  7. The future: Shops required
No.8 7 February
  1. Events: First Talent Exchange Market Day – a resounding success!
  2. Events: Next Talent Exchange Market Days
  3. News: New CES Groups
  4. Site statistics: Trading picks up after year-end dip
  5. Web Site: New Features
  6. Tip: How to Attract Custom
No.7 10 January
  1. News: Remote Trading Implemented
  2. Talent Exchange: New Logo
  3. News: New CES Groups
  4. Events: 24 January
  5. Web Site Addresses
  6. Site statistics: 2003 Figures
  7. Site statistics: Trading takes a dip
  8. Web Site: New Features
  9. Tip: Searching


No Date Contents
No.6 10 December
  1. News: We are now the “Talent Exchange”!
  2. CES Administration: Donations
  3. Talent Exchange: New Logo Required
  4. News: New CES Groups
  5. Events: 24 January
  6. Web Site: Help Required
  7. Web Site: Additional Address
  8. Site statistics: Steady Growth Continues
  9. Tip: Offring Ideas
No.5 10 November
  1. CES Administration: Income Required
  2. News: CES Groups start in Johannesburg and Pretoria
  3. CES Administration: New Committee Members Needed
  4. Trading: Anyone got a Shop?
  5. Site statistics: Over T100,000 traded!
  6. Future Developments: Payments by Cellphone
  7. Tip: Correcting Incorrect Transaction Details
No.4 10 October
  1. CES Events: “Talent Exchange”
  2. Site statistics: CES continues steady growth
  3. Site improvements: more buttons!
  4. Tip: Refresh your offerings
  5. Sub-Areas
No.3 10 September
  1. Site statistics: CES growing rapidly
  2. News: New features on the site
  3. News: New web addresses
  4. News: New CES groups in Joburg, PE and at Oude Molen
  5. Tip: Stop email
  6. Tip: Hide your account
  7. Tip: Jack up your adverts
  8. Member news: Projects
No.2 6 August
  1. CES membership approaching 200
  2. Over 300 Trades
  3. Over 300 Offerings
  4. First employee on the system
  5. Companies and Organisations on the system
  6. New features
  7. Events: Observatory Holistic Lifestyle Fair
  8. Tip: How to do a search
  9. Tip: Print youself some Trading Slips
  10. Tip: Offer what you can do, not what you are
  11. Personal comments on the CES
  12. Sell your Rands for Talents!
  13. Non-existent money the answer to theft?
  14. Buy, buy, buy to get circulation going
  15. Some offering ideas
No.1 10 March
  1. Introduction
  2. Get involved!
  3. CES Public Events
  4. Advertise your Offerings
  5. Advertise your Wants
  6. You don’t need credits to trade
  7. Who is the ‘seller’ and who enters the transaction details
  8. Join the CES
  9. Future issues

Central Coast Newsletters 2006 – 2012

Central Coast Newsletter – Spring 2012 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Winter 2012 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Autumn 2012 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Summer 2011 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Spring 2011 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Winter 2011 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Autumn 2011 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Summer 2010 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Winter 2010 (PDF)
Central Coast Newsletter – Autumn 2010 (PDF)
No.13 Central Coast Newsletter – Summer 2009 (PDF)
No.12 Central Coast Newsletter – Spring 2009 (PDF)
No.11 Central Coast Newsletter – Winter 2009 (PDF)
No.10 Central Coast Newsletter – Autumn 2009 (PDF)
No.9 Central Coast Newsletter – Summer 2008 (PDF)
No.8 Central Coast Newsletter – Spring 2008 (PDF)
No.7 Central Coast Newsletter – Winter 2008 (PDF)
No.6 Central Coast Newsletter – Autumn 2008 (PDF)
No.5 Central Coast Newsletter – November 2007 (PDF)
No.4 Central Coast Newsletter – August 2007 (PDF)
No.3 Central Coast Newsletter – May 2007 (PDF)
No.2 Central Coast Newsletter – February 2007 (PDF)
No.1 Central Coast Newsletter – November 2006 (PDF)

What makes a great Trade of goods

Tips for a good trading experience

Detailed description prior to trade, including flaws. Better a pleasant surprise than disappointment.
Agree price either before trade or at time of trade.
Flexibility – can item be left outside for convenient pick up for buyer, in an esky perhaps?
If not present for trade clear labeling, list with description on sheet of paper or sticker/tag with dark pen.
When a trade is arranged, both seller and buyer should be able to say if they have time to socialize, without offense, to either person.
Running on time. Let other party know if running late.
Option to sample first – if food.
Offer available as advertised. Hide offering if unable to provide service.
Could you deliver item ?

When a trade doesn’t go to plan?


It is better to hear about buyer dissatisfaction then lose a customer with no idea why.
Respond promptly and courteously.
Reverse sale and let buyer know whether you would like item returned or discarded if faulty. Be realistic about delivery time if a buyer has just traveled to trade.


If unclear on price contact seller to clarify.
Exercise tact. LETS sellers aren’t trying to trick buyers and a seller may be surprised you don’t share their view of an items value. A seller may not have realised an item didn’t work, feel embarrassed and be happy to reverse a trade without much prompting.
Return item in reasonable time.
When issue is resolved thank seller for responding to concerns and reassure that you would still like to trade another time.

Still a problem: Contact admin for support to resolve the issue.

When using the trade facilities, ‘payment’ is effected either through the buyer signing a Trading Sheet provided by the seller or through a cheque-like Trading Slip that serves both as a means of ‘payment’ and a receipt for the goods or service.

The information on the Trading Sheet or Slip is then entered by the seller into a transaction form on the web site.(see samples below)

This credits the account of the seller and debits that of the buyer. Accounts record these debits and credits, giving a balance after each transaction.

Multilist transaction sheet (pdf)

Trading slips (pdf)

CES Questions & Answers

The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Community Exchange System (CES).

Q. What is the CES?

The CES is essentially an exchange system. It allows us to exchange our narrow specialisations for the narrow specialisations of others. The regular money system, of which we are so familiar, is another exchange system. Throughout history there have been many different exchange systems. All of them assist us to overcome the inconveniences of direct barter. While the monetary exchange system uses a value representation to mediate exchanges, the CES has no such medium. Instead it uses information as the organising principle. Value is transferred from sellers to buyers and a record is kept of it. These records ensure that buyers ‘pay’ for what they have received by doing or selling something for/to someone else. This works just as well as money but sets up a completely different relationship between people. In the monetary exchange system production is geared towards maximising the amount of the exchange medium that can be obtained, whereas in the CES production is geared towards the satisfaction of needs. This imparts a completely different logic in our relationships with each other.

Q. What does joining the CES mean for me?

The CES is not a club or organisation but a new exchange or ‘money’ system. Therefore you do not ‘join’ and become a ‘member’ of an association. You register to use the CES as a new way of trading, without using your national currency. You will feel that you are part of a community but this is because you will experience a different spirit among the traders of the CES. The CES is characterised by openness, friendliness, honesty and trust, which is quite different to what your are likely to experience in the ‘old’ money system.

Q. Does it cost anything to join the CES?

There are many CES exchanges. Some charge an annual subscription fee in the national currency, others have no charges in conventional money, or any joining or membership fees in the exchange’s own currency. Where there are no subscription fees, administration costs are covered by a small transaction levy (in the CES currency) that is added to all transactions, but such levies only become effective when you begin trading. Administrations require an income for running and promoting their CES exchange groups.

Q. How can I begin trading without any money in my account?

A. The CES does not require that you have anything in your account to begin trading. As ‘money’ in this system is just a book entry or ‘point scoring’, there is no need for a supply of it. You begin either by going into debit (not debt). This means your account has a negative balance but unlike with conventional money you do not have to pay interest on it and there is no stigma attached to it (unless it gets large and is never reduced). Your debit simply means that you owe the community goods and services to the value of the debit.

Q. What is to stop me just entering payments into my account so that I get lots of credits?

A. You don’t need credits to trade so there is no point in this. In any case, your credits are someone else’s debits, and they will question your false trades with them. Your balance, which is open for everyone to see, will also reveal what you are doing. There is no need to cheat in the CES because you can simply go into debit and ‘pay back’ what you have received by delivering goods and services to others at a later time.

Q. What if someone exploits the system and then leaves the community without giving anything in return?

A. This can happen but equally someone who has given more than they have taken can also leave the community. If someone exploits the system it is the community that bears the burden, not any particular user.

Q. What if someone doesn’t pay me for work I have done for them?

A. That is impossible. You – the seller – are responsible for entering or getting entered the transaction information and you will be immediately credited for it. In the CES the buyer is the passive party.

Q. Is this just a tax dodge?

Definitely not! Our motives are noble. We want to create a more equal and just society where wealth is distributed according to contribution, not according to your ability to ‘make money’. In other countries where these systems have become big, the state has either ignored the tax angle because it saves the state money on welfare payments, or there is an agreement to provide services to the state. Our approach is that when we become big, the state should become a member of the CES and participate in the normal way. In this way the state could credit itself through the services it provides to all members and debit itself by purchasing the services of CES members.

Q. What if someone takes more from the system than they give back?

Before agreeing to trade with someone you should check their balance. If you see they have made a lot of purchases and are running a large debit, then refuse to trade until their standing has improved.

Q. What if my service is popular but I can’t find anything I want? What is the use of a large credit balance if I can’t spend it?

A. Don’t trade unless you feel there is something you can get in exchange. As more and more people join the community the more likely it becomes that someone will have something you want. Encourage others to join.

Q. What is the currency called and what is it worth?

A. Each exchange has its own name for its currency. A common name used in the CES is ‘Talents’. One Talent (or other name) is usually equal to one unit of the national currency (Dollar, Rand, Pound). This is purely to give it reference. CES currencies are not linked to the national currencies so could deviate over time. CES currencies are also not subject to inflation. Some exchange groups base their unit of account on time (e.g. one hour, one minute).

Q. How are goods and services valued?

A. Traders value their own goods and services, using the 1:1 relationship between their exchange’s currency and the national currency. The ‘law’ of supply and demand applies, but within the context of a closed group. This frequently differs from the situation ‘outside’.

Q. Is there just one CES exchange?

A. No, there are many established CES exchanges in different parts of the world, with new ones being introduced all the time. If you would like to start one in your area go to the registration page and fill in the form.

Q. Is it possible to trade between the different CES exchanges?

Yes! All the CES exchanges are linked and inter-exchange trading is possible. The CES currencies are as versatile as the national currencies. This means you can trade with any participant nationally or internationally, and your offerings are internationally accessible. Currency earned in one place can be spent in another.